We have used a proof-of-concept AirBag model on three different cellular phones, i.e., Lenovo P780 Smartphone Android 4.2 5.0 Inch and XIAOMI MI4 Smartphone 3GB 16GB Snapdragon 801, operating Linux system kernel, 3.1.10, and 3.0.8 respectively. Our model is convenient without depending on any specific elements assistance. In the following, we present in information about our model. For convenience, unless clearly described, we will use Lenovo P780 Smartphone Android 4.2 5.0 Inch as the referrals system.
A. Namespace/Filesystem Isolation
Our system confines untrusted applications in a individual namespace and filesystem. In our model, we make use of and increase the namespace solitude function of cgroups [24] in popular Linux system popcorn kernels. At the advanced stage, our model instantiates a new namespace and then begins from the very first procedure (i.e., airbag_init) within AirBag. The airbag_init procedure will then bootstrap the whole AIR. Specifically, the new namespace of AirBag is designed by cloning a new procedure with a few specific flags: CLONE_NEWNS, CLONE_NEWPID, CLONE_NEWIPC, CLONE_NEWUTS, and CLONE_NEWNET. Further, right before modifying the control to the airbag_init system, we initialize a individual main filesystem for the recently clone’d procedure (and its decedent processes) by invoking pivot_root in the new main listing that contains important AIR files. We then get ready procfs and sysfs filesystems within AirBag so that following procedures within AirBag can successfully communicate with the actual Linux system kernel. After that, we generate the control by actually performing the airbag_init system that then sneakers off the whole AIR, such as various support daemons (e.g., SurfaceFlinger and system_server). These support daemons as well as important Android operating system structure sessions jointly allow untrusted applications to perform transparently when they are sent to the AIR.
With a new AirBag-specific namespace, all procedures operating within cannot notice and communicate with procedures operating outside. However, some features (mainly for enhanced customer experience) may need inter-namespace connections. Specifically, when setting up an untrusted app, our PackageInstaller needs to inform AirBag for smooth set up. To achieve that, we virtualize a system system [17] within AirBag and link it to a pre-allocated link user interface on the local Android operating system system. By building such an inner path for “inter-namespace” connections, we can normally allow social media and telephone systems assistance within AirBag.
By instantiating two different namespaces on the same kernel, our model needs to keep track of the present effective namespace, which is needed to allow context-aware system virtualization (Section III-B). Specifically, we need to trade the relevant namespace information to corresponding OS elements (e.g., framebuffer/GPU drivers) such that they can successfully path or handle elements system accesses from different namespaces. For example, when a user-level procedure demands to upgrade the framebuffer, we need to upgrade the specific storage prevents associated with its namespace in OS kernel. Luckily, when a procedure is clone’d with the CLONE_NEWNS flag, an example of struct nsproxy would be assigned in Linux system kernel to store the facts such as utsname and filesystem structure of the new namespace. Given that all procedures are part of the same namespace discuss the same nsproxy information structure, our present model simply uses it as the namespace identifier. When a procedure accesses sources (e.g., via ioctl), we seek advice from the nsproxy suggestion of its task_struct via the present suggestion and use it to information proper accessibility virtualized sources. For accounting purpose, we sustain an inner applying desk which information the relevant nsproxy suggestion for each namespace. In our model, we find it sufficient to back up two namespaces, one for the local Android operating system playback and another for AirBag. The corresponding access is dynamically designed when the specific first procedure (i.e., init or airbag_init) is released.
B. Context-Aware Device Virtualization
Our model allows controversial accesses from the two operating namespaces. To provide that, AirBag successfully multiplexes their accesses to various sources in a way clear to user-level applications (so that regular consumer encounter will not be compromised). In Table I, we show the list of virtualized elements gadgets reinforced in Airbag. Due to web page restrict, we will describe the six associate elements gadgets in more information.
1) Framebuffer/GPU: In AirBag, one of the most important gadgets for virtualization is the product show, such as the specific framebuffer and GPU. Specifically, in Android operating system, all the visible content to be shown by operating applications are produced by the show updater (SurfaceFlinger) to the framebuffer storage, which is assigned from the OS kernel but planned to userspace. Any upgrade will induce the framebuffer car owner to issue DMA features and show the produced picture to the product show. Since we have only one system show and there are available two show updaters from two different namespaces, we need to control which one will gain actual accessibility the show.
For solitude reasons, our model allocates a second framebuffer storage only for the AIR playback so that each updater can upgrade its own framebuffer without impacting each other. But the actual elements car owner will only provide the framebuffer from the effective namespace to the show. In our model, since the framebuffer storage is planned into the GPU’s private web page desk and the site desk can be dynamically modified at playback, we select to only stimulate the framebuffer storage in GPU from the effective playback.
Our remedy works well in all three played around with cellular phones. However, the model on XIAOMI MI4 Smartphone 3GB 16GB Snapdragon 801 should get additional conversations. To efficiently handle and spend actual physical storage for GPU, the Android operating system assistance on Lenovo P780 Smartphone Android 4.2 5.0 Inch has a actual physical storage allocator called pmem. The user-level show updater will demand actual physical storage from the /dev/pmem system. To be able for the GPU and the upper-layer show updater to provide on the show, a 32MB continuous actual physical storage avoid has been arranged for /dev/pmem. With two instantiated runtimes, an user-friendly remedy will be to dual the storage booking and dynamically spend the first 50 percent for the unique Android operating system playback and the second 50 percent for AIR. In fact, we indeed used this strategy but shateringly noticed that there also are available lots of other meta information associated with /dev/pmem, which also need to be decoupled for namespace attention. For mobility, we aim to avoid modifying the inner reasoning. We then develop another remedy by developing a individual /dev/pmem system for each namespace (while still increasing the storage reservation). From the upper-layer playback viewpoint, it is still obtaining the same /dev/pmem system. But in our OS expansion, we dynamically map the product file to /dev/pmem_native and/dev/pmem_airbag respectively to sustain visibility and reliability within the unique pmem car owner as well as upperlayer show updaters. In Determine 2, we review the connections between the show updaters, decoupled pmem system, GPU, and framebuffer motorists on our XIAOMI MI4 Smartphone 3GB 16GB Snapdragon 801 model.
2) Feedback Devices: After developing a unique framebuffer for each namespace, our next step is to properly provide activities from various input gadgets (e.g., touchscreen show, control buttons, and trackball) to the right namespace. Remarkably, Linux system kernel has designed a general part, i.e., evdev (event device), which joins various input system motorists to upper-layered software elements. The existence of such part makes our model relatively uncomplicated. Specifically, the Android operating system playback (or its support daemons) will pay attention to input activities (e.g., touchscreen show and trackball) by applying itself as a customer showed as evdev_client in OS kernel. When the actual car owner is notified with a awaiting input occasion from elements (e.g. a tap on the touchscreen), the occasion is sent to all the authorized customers. Therefore, upon the input occasion signing up, we will record its namespace into the evdev_client information structure. When a port occasion happens, just like the framebuffer car owner, we provide it only to the authorized customers from the effective namespace. In other terms, all other customers from non-active namespace will not be notified about the occasion.
3) IPC: After managing basic input and (screen) outcome gadgets, we find they are still insufficient to successfully set up the AIR atmosphere. It changes out that the problem is due to the customized IPC procedure in Android operating system. Specifically, compared with the conventional Linux system IPC that is already separated by different namespaces (or cgroups), a customized IPC car owner known as folder is developed in Android operating system. With the folder car owner, a special daemon servicemanager will sign-up itself as the folder viewpoint administrator during the running procedure of Android operating system. After that, various companies will sign-up themselves (via addService) so that other support customers can look up and ask for their solutions (via getService). Lenovo P780 Smartphone Android 4.2 5.0 Inch that all these features are conducted by moving IPC information through /dev/binder.
To virtualize /dev/binder, we make a individual viewpoint administrator for AIR so that all following solutions signing up or search will be conducted individually within AirBag. In our model, we have in the same way designed an range of viewpoint supervisors listed by specific namespace. With that, both local playback and AIR have their own servicemanager daemons applying as the viewpoint supervisors that handle followup addService/getService features individually, such that all inter-app emails (e.g., intents) are fully reinforced within AirBag. Also, notice that folder is the first system source the Android operating system playback gets, we can also ideally consider the moment when the product file /dev/binder is being started out as the sign that a new namespace needs to be designed.
4) Telephony: The telephone systems assistance in Android operating system mostly depends on a support daemon, rild, which plenty vendor-proprietary collection (e.g., libhtc_ril.so) for managing the actual elements. In particular, a Coffee category com.android.internal.telephony.RIL of Android operating system playback conveys with rild via an Unix sector outlet (created by rild) to proxies various telephone systems solutions. To assistance necessary telephone systems features within AIR, as we do not have accessibility vendor-specific source program code, we select to multiplex the elements accessibility at the customer stage rild. Specifically, in our model, we make a TCP outlet along with the regular Unix sector outlet in rild that operates in the local playback. The new TCP outlet is used to agree to inbound relationships from the com.android.internal.telephony.RIL within AirBag ( Determine 3). In other terms, the rild within AirBag is impaired (by modifying the inner start-up program init.rc). By design, our present model allows for confident telephone phone calls from AirBag, but any inbound telephone phone calls will be instantly responded to in the local playback.
5) Audio: For the sound system, we find the assistance on XIAOMI MI4 Smartphone 3GB 16GB Snapdragon 801 uncomplicated as it exports a system file/dev/q6dsp that allows for contingency accesses. However, the assistance on Lenovo P780 Smartphone Android 4.2 5.0 Inch and XIAOMI MI4 Smartphone 3GB 16GB Snapdragon 801 is rather complex. Specifically, both gadgets follow the standard ALSA-based sound car owner [18] in OS kernel, which allows only one effective sound flow. In other terms, if one namespace is currently obtaining the product, the other will not be able to accessibility it. Specifically, the procedure trying to accessibility the sound system would be put into a wait around line when the product is in use.
In our model, we take a identical strategy with the/dev/pmem system. Specifically, we add a individual unique sound flow for each namespace so that it will sustain unique use within specific namespace. The unique sound flow from the effective namespace will be limited to the elements sound flow at playback. For example, in ALSA, an ioctl function, i.e., SNDRV_PCM_IOCTL_WRITEI_FRAMES is used to deliver sound information to the product. Such an ioctl from the non-active playback would quietly return without actually delivering information to the elements. But for other ioctls to recover or upgrade elements declares such as SNDRV_PCM_IOCTL_SYNC_PTR, we sustain its own newest storage cache of the declares, which will then be used to elements when its namespace becomes effective. When an non-active namespace becomes effective, it is permitted to preempt the use of the sound system.
6) Energy Management: The existence of two runtimes also reduces the ability control. For example, when an untrusted game app operates within AirBag for a while, the local playback may time out and attempt to perform early hold on the whole cellphone, such as modifying off the show. To avoid resulting in difficulty, our present model selects to turn off any power-related features from AirBag. In other terms, we only allow the local playback to convert off or dim the show. To avoid the local playback to sleep while AirBag is effective, it will need a wakelock [13] in the local playback before initiating the AIR. The AIR still preserves its own timeout for show turn-off. But instead of actually modifying off the show, it will launch the wakelock. Also, when the app within AirBag ends, it will then launch the wakelock and generate the control back to the local playback.
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